Alwaleed Gold 100 ML
Sense and imagination fragrance, living perfume brimming with emotions and sensations, attractive that every time you inhale feel like the first time.
$ 55.3Alwaleed Gold 100 ML
$ 55.3 -
Alwaleed Brown 100 ML
Oriental fragrance inspired by the spirit of the contemporary originality.
$ 55.3Alwaleed Brown 100 ML
$ 55.3 -
Sultana100 ML
A jewel filled with glamor, beauty and radiance, with all the mystery and seduction it engenders, which has the attraction of touching hidden feelings in the harmony of all its layers.
$ 55.1Sultana100 ML
$ 55.1 -
Sultan100 ML
Is the crown of all perfumes with its striking aroma affected the hearts and senses to be the sultan among the audience with a charming aromatic composition.
$ 55.1Sultan100 ML
$ 55.1 -
The magic of meanings perfume
Maani perfume is a precious perfume, full of excitement and sensation, Jewel formulas of luxurious oriental concentrates, With an elegant group of fragrant flowers rich in extracts
$ 55.1 -
Al Maajoum Al Raqi
Al Maajoum Al Raqi by Al Dakheel Oud, A wonderful blend of aromatic elegant ingredients we came to you with this beautiful fragrance, it gives you a sense of warm and romantic scents. Because you are elegant, we chose the most precious components for you to combine in this elegant fragrance to be unique with your perfume in all occasions.
$ 55.1Al Maajoum Al Raqi
$ 55.1 -
Abeek Silver
Get Complimented and charming on every stage of the magnificent Abeek Silver by Al Dakheel Oud.It will fascinate you with its odor and attractiveness through a wonderful composition, made entirely of natular.
$ 55.1Abeek Silver
$ 55.1 -
Abeek Gold
You will love this fragrance in its pink color, gilded glass and wonderful component that will add more beauty to your night. Wear this perfume any time to make your night full of joy and freshness with a special combination of distinctive ingredients.
$ 55.1Abeek Gold
$ 55.1 -
يفوح عطر المسك الراقي من الدخيل للعود بلمسة راقية من عبير الصندل الممزوج بأريج المسك الغني و عبق الورد، إنه حقاً دعوة لإكتشاف آفاق جديدة من الإحساس تبهر كل من حولك.
$ 52.4ELEGENT MUSK Perfume
$ 52.4 -
Hamasat Perfume 100 ML
A special fragrance of exquisite shape and composition, whispering to the senses with a soft whispering, of that overwhelms you with joy, pleasure and happiness.
$ 52.1Hamasat Perfume 100 ML
$ 52.1 -
Smart Incense Bokhoor – Musk Air
Incense with exotic scent from musk, with touches caramel، raspberry. In addition to vanilla and amber. Intence and fancy.
Top note: Caramel, Raspberry
Middle note: Rose, Jasmine, Vanilla
Base note: Benzene gum, Amber, Musk Oud wood$ 49.8